Brownian Dynamics Simualtion

We now have all the components in place to start our BD simulation. We do need the translational and rotational diffusion constants for barnase and barstar. I have calculated reasonable values which you should use (I want you to all have the same values), and they are in the input file below.

- use binary grid here     -------dseed
694.d0                                  <----- random seed
1000000,10000,0,4,4.0,0          <----- number of runs, log frequency
-----------------------------probes, thres     
2.0, 1.  1.10, 8.0
barnase.pdb                      <----- structure 1
barstar.pdb                      <----- structure 2
barnase.50mM.grd                 <----- potential grid 1
barstar.50mM.grd                 <----- potential grid 2
barnase.echa_R                   <----- effective charge set 1
barstar.echa_R                   <----- effective charge set 2
barnase.rxn                      <----- reaction site 1
barstar.rxn                      <----- reaction site 2
-----------------------------ic1fix,xc1, ic2fix,xc2
0,   0.000 0.000 0.000           <----- center of protein 1
0,   0.000 0.000 0.000           <----- center of protein 2
-----------------------------icomm, iforce, dind, aiostr
 3   1, 5.0,  0.
0.028  ,   4.018e-5,   4.018e-5,1       <----- diffusion constants
75., 200.                               <----- b and c surfaces 
1.0,  150, 5.
8.0,   20.,    50.,   120.,   120.      <----- time steps 
3.00,  0.25, 45, 0, 2                   <----- reaction windows

I've labeled the items in the input file that you should understand. Take this file and make sure of the following:

Once you have edited the input file, you can start the simulation

sdap < barnase-barstar.inp > barnase-barstar.log &

A file runs.done will be updated every 50 trajectories so you can monitor the progress of the simulation. Once the run finishes, you need to analyze the log files.