Biology 5325: Protein Structure and Function Fall 2006 Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:15-9:45, 521 Medical Library Coursemaster: Jay Ponder (CCB 208, 362-4195, Aug 31 Taxonomy I: Primary & Secondary Structure Ponder Sep 5 Taxonomy II: Motifs & Supersecondary Structure Ponder Sep 7 Taxonomy III: Tertiary Structure & Fold Types Ponder Sep 12 Folding I: Forces that Determine Protein Structure Ponder Sep 14 Folding II: Mechanisms of Protein Folding Ponder Sep 19 Folding III: Characterization of Folding Pathways Ponder Sep 21 Folding IV: Mutagenesis Studies Ponder Sep 26 Special Topics I: Multiscale Modeling of Electrostatics Baker Sep 28 Spectroscopy I: Background and Basic Principles Pryse Oct 3 Spectroscopy II: Absorption and Fluorescence Elson Oct 5 Spectroscopy III: Circular Dichroism and Optical Rotation Elson Oct 10 Spectroscopy IV: Fluctuation Spectroscopy Elson Oct 12 Spectroscopy V: Mass Spectrometry Chivers Oct 17 Protein Design I: Structural Scaffolds Chivers Oct 19 Protein Design II: Enzymatic Function Chivers Oct 24 Mid-Term Examination Oct 26 NMR I: Basic NMR Principles and Parameters Cistola Oct 31 NMR II: Vector & Product Operator Formalisms Cistola Nov 2 NMR III: Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments Cistola Nov 7 NMR IV: Resonance Assignment Strategies Cistola Nov 9 NMR V: Protein Structure Determination Cistola Nov 14 Special Topics II: 19F NMR Studies of Protein Folding Frieden Nov 16 Special Topics III: GPCR Signal Transduction Marshall Nov 21 NMR VI: Ligand-Protein Interactions Cistola Nov 23 Thanksgiving Break ­ No Class Meeting Nov 28 X-Ray I: Crystals, Symmetry & Diffraction Patterns Ellenberger Nov 30 X-Ray II: Reciprocal Space, Bragg's Law, Laue's Equations Ellenberger Dec 5 X-Ray III: Structure Factors, Density & Patterson Maps Ellenberger Dec 7 X-Ray IV: Phase Determination Methods & Refinement Ellenberger Dec 12 X-Ray V: Protein Crystallography in Practice Ellenberger Dec 19 Final Examination Classes are held in the DBBS Classroom (521 Medical Library, 5th Floor). Bio 5325 is required by the Graduate Programs in Biochemistry and in Molecular Biophysics. Lectures coincide with the corresponding Medical School course; 1st-year Medical and MSTP students may substitute Bio 5325 for credit. There are no required textbooks. However, the following books may be useful for parts of the course, and are available from online booksellers: Introduction to Protein Structure, 2nd Ed., Branden and Tooze, 1999 Protein Structure and Function, Petsko and Ringe, 2004 Principles of Physical Biochemistry, 2nd Ed., van Holde, Johnson and Ho, 2005